Sunday, 28 March 2010

Using, Challenging and Developing Conventions - Magazine Advertisement

Before the creation of my magazine advertisement, I researched into a range of advertisements to see the generic conventions, and I made a list of them. When doing this, I look at all music genres when researching the conventions of the advertisement and I came to notice that the majority of the advertisements, no matter what genre they were, had similarities in their layouts and the conventions they used. By noticing these particular conventions, I put them into practise on the construction of my own magazine advertisement. However, I did notice a few conventions which were precise to the pop/rock music genre.

Using conventions...
There was necessary conventions which were apparent on all magazine advertisements which I had to take into consideration. For example, the name of my band, this was to ensure that the audience was not to forget who the band was as they might look directly to the name of the album and forget the artists. Even though there is the clear link between the music video, digipak and magazine advertisement, I thought it was still essential to have the name of the band on the advertisement. Also, the 'OUT NOW' sign is a convention on many magazine advertisement. Various advertisements promote the release of their album in different ways such as giving an actual release date. However, I decided to have 'OUT NOW' as in my opinion, this will give the erge of excitement and captivation immediately, especially as it was in the colour gold which stood out across the advertisement. Also, my audience feedback before the creation made me aware that this is what the majority of my audience would prefer to see as the excitement of the album being able to be bought is captured immediately. Another convention which I illustrated was the website address written relatively small at the bottom of the advertisement. This is able to help build up a rapport with the band and the fans as this shows signs of contact between them both. Also, this helps to give the fans any extra information in which they want but are unable to gain from anywhere else. Additionally, due to the fact that technology helps to integrate people across the world, this would be a way of promoting the band worldwide. Furthermore, I noticed on a few advertisements such as Midlake's ''The Courage of Others'', there was quotes from music magazines to show that the album had their approval and that it was in fact a great album. I furthered this convention and included it on my own magazine advertisement to show the audience that this album has gained the appraisal from well known music magazines such as 'Q Magazine' and 'MOJO'.

Developed conventions...
Not necessarily conventionally, some magazine advertisements have the name of the music store in which the album is available to be bought at. As a result of noticing this convention was not apparent on the majority of magazine advertisements, I decided to develop this convention and make it apparent on my own advertisement. Therefore, in the bottom right hand corner, it states this this album is 'HMV exclusive'. This could possibly make the audience more eager to go out right away to purchase the album.

Challenged conventions...
There was not any particular magazine advertisement conventions that I challenged, however originally at the beginning of my creativity of the advertisement in the stages of my initial ideas, I was contemplating on whether to include a teaser type image which relates to the symbolic imagery, as this was challenging the conventions of magazine advertisements as this was a very rare convention. However, my audience feedback proved that this idea was not necessary therefore I did not end up doing this.

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